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Online survey - 14.11.2022
Take part in a short survey on the ripple effects of Russia's war in Ukraine
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has triggered seismic repercussions: skyrocketing prices, energy shortages, a fast-moving refugee crisis, rising cyber security threats…
But is your city or region ready to face the challenges brought to light by the war? Does it brace for darker winter to save energy? Have you noticed any cyber-attack to the public sector?
These are some of the questions raised in a short survey drawn up by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (AFLRA) to which you are invited to contribute. Your responses to this survey will help shed light on cities and regions’ preparedness to face current and future disruptive events. They will also provide guidelines on how to bolster information sharing and cooperation among all stakeholders. Respondents will receive a summary of the results. Individual responses will not be published. The deadline for filling out the survey is 30 November.
www.kuntaliitto.fi | www.localfinland.fi -
Call for tender - 02.11.2022
External evaluation of the IncluCities project
We are looking for a contractor to realise an external evaluation of the IncluCities project. For more information, have a look at our call for tender. -
Call for Proposals - 28.10.2022
First Call for Proposals EUI - Innovative Actions
Eligible authorities are invited to submit project proposals in the framework of the first EUI – Innovative Actions (EUI-IA) Call for Proposals. For this Call for Proposals, an indicative budget of EUR 50 million ERDF is allocated.
Each project can receive up to a maximum of EUR 5 million ERDF co-financing and project implementation should take place within a maximum period of 3,5 years.
For more information and to apply don't hesitate to check out the website and the seminars that will take place until the end of the year. -
Local Finances - 26.10.2022
Local Finances in Europe – Unlocking investments for sustainable and resilient societies
Join us on 10 November for our event: Local Finances in Europe – Unlocking investments for sustainable and resilient societies.
This on-site event will take place in CEMR premises in Brussels, 1 Square de Meeûs on Thursday, 10 November 2022 (10.00-15.00)
- Morning (10.00-12.00) : Launch event of CEMR publication ‘Local finances and the green transition in Europe : A decade of local finances – from crisis to sustainable recovery’. This online publication highlights the trends and evolutions of local and regional finances from the aftermath of the financial crisis to the beginning of the COVID pandemic. As part of this report, a specific focus has been given on the green dimension of local finance and the contribution of LRGs in the investments needed to meet the challenges of the green transition.
The launch event of the publication will be followed by a policy debate on the review of the EU’s economic governance framework – in particular fiscal and budgetary rules controlling debt and public investments – and its impact on municipalities, cities and regions.
- Afternoon (13.00-15.00): Policy debate with EU policy makers on revision of EU economic governance framework from the perspective of local and regional governments. This debate follows the adoption of CEMR position paper “Boosting public investment capacities at local and regional level – the opportunity of the reform of the EU economic governance framework” in January 2022, and will come as the Commission is preparing a proposal for the revision of the EU economic framework early 2023. This reform will have important implications for Europe’s ability to mobilise all levels of governance, not only in addressing the macroeconomic and structural scars left by COVID-19, but to strengthen EU economies in the face of significant challenges that lie ahead.
Register here! -
Bridges of Trust - 24.10.2022
'Bridges of Trust' is looking for a Support Project and Communication Officer
CEMR is looking for a Support Project and Communication Officer on the Bridges of Trust project.
Deadline: 28 octobre 2022 - 23h59
For more information, please refer to the job description. -
EU Green Capital - 20.10.2022
Which cities will be the European Green Capital 2024?
Which cities will be the European Green Capital and the European Green Leaf 2024? Discover the winners at the Awards Ceremony on 27 October, hosted by the City of Grenoble.
The European Commission's (European) Green Capital Award, recognises and rewards local efforts to improve the environment, and thereby the economy and the quality of life in cities. The Award is given each year to a city, which is leading the way in environmentally friendly urban living. The Award encourages cities to commit to ambitious goals for further environmental improvement.
UCLG - 19.10.2022
UCLG Congress adopts the 'Pact for the Future'
Mayors, local and regional leaders from across Europe have adopted the 'Pact for the Future', a key strategic document defining UCLG's priorities from 2022 to 2028.
The visions and aspirations reflected in the Pact will be shaped into actionable commitments throughout 2023 and serve as the strategic vision for the World Organisation in the coming years. Motions presented by all members will further deepen the policy visions and serve as a reference to the inputs of the whole local and regional governments constituency represented by the Global Taskforce.
Three political leaders have been appointed as Ambassadors for the Pact for the Future: Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona as Ambassador for the Future of People; Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris as Ambassador for the Future of Planet; Yücel Yilmaz, Mayor of Balikesir as Ambassador for the Future of Government. -
France-Ukraine Solidarity - 19.10.2022
The France-Ukraine Local Solidarity Forum: Together we are stronger!
On the 19th October, more than 100 participants took part in the Local Solidarity Forum jointly organised by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), PLATFORMA, Association of French Mayors (AMF) and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
Twinning and partnerships between Local and Regional Governments were at the centre of the discussions. Cooperation is the only way for the Ukrainian reconstruction.
Join un on 28 October, from 09:00 to 12:00 CEST, for the Bridges of Trust Forum to learn more about partnerships between Ukrainian and EU local governments! -
OECD - 18.10.2022
Conference to launch the new SNG-WOFI
The OECD and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) are organising an in-person conference to launch the third edition of their World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment (SNG-WOFI).
The goal of the Observatory is to increase knowledge, promote dialogue on multi-level governance and subnational finance around the world as well as to monitor the iimplementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This 2022 edition includes data from 135 countries, covering almost 90% of the world surface area, 93% of the world population and 94% of global GDP.
The conference will bring together national and subnational governments, international organisations and stakeholders from around the world involved in this wide-ranging project, to present the key findings of the new edition and to discuss current challenges related to subnational finance and multi-level governance, in light of new data and analysis.
CEMR's Finance Spokesperson, Flo Clucas, will take part in the Session 3 on : How can subnational government access to external resources be improved to finance infrastructure investment?
For more information and to register, please fill in this online form. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Greenhow
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