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Call for contractor - 14.09.2021
Mission: research and draft a study on local finances in Europe
CEMR is looking for a contractor to research and draft a study on local finances in Europe since 2010, including the impact of COVID-19 and the development of green local finances. The work will take place between end of October 2021 and April 2022.
Interested bidders should submit their bids by Sunday 17 October 2021 at the latest. For more information on the mission and how to apply, please consult the Terms of Reference and the publication's Concept Note. -
ESPON - 25.06.2021
CEMR taking part in study on COVID's territorial impact and local responses
CEMR is partnering with ESPON – the EU research programme on territorial development – to study the territorial impacts of COVID-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities. We will collect information through a survey of our members and gather relevant case studies from our experts.
The resulting study will seek to identify the patterns to COVID's spread and emphasise both the importance of local governments in assessing pandemic's impact, as well as the role of their associations. -
COVID-19 - 17.02.2021
What has been the impact of COVID-19 on tourism regions? Complete the survey!
The European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban policy wants to assess the impact of COVID-19 on tourism regions and propose policy recommendations on how to make tourism regions more resilient.
The survey aims to collect information about the regional and sector sensitivities to COVID19 impacts, the experience with policy initiatives in the tourism sector, and the future needs and opportunities in tourism.
Complete the survey before 28 February. -
Conference - 12.02.2021
Hungarian Best Practices of Local Governments 2020: local innovations and solutions against COVID-19
The Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities (TÖOSZ) is organising an online conference on the Best Practices of Local Governments. This year, the focus is on the best innovations and solutions againd COVID-19 at local level. To find out more, please consult the event's programme.
The conference is taking place on 24 February 2021. There will be interpretation in English and Hungarian. You can sign up with the following online registration form. -
COVID-19 - 01.02.2021
What was the crisis impact on local competences? Answer to CEMR and CoR's joint survey
CEMR has joined forces with the Committee of the Regions’ NAT Commission to carry out a survey to see how local and regional governments are managing the crisis and the possible impacts on their competences and devolved responsibilities.
The survey is open to local and regional governments as well as to their national associations.
Recovery plan - 01.12.2020
Local governments must be involved in managing and recovering from the crisis
“European recovery plan: we must have confidence in our territories!": this was the call of over 200 local and regional leaders and territorial representatives on the occasion of the 6th European University (26-27 November) of CEMR's French section (AFCCRE), under the theme "Europe facing the crisis: support territories!".
The list of participants included the mayors of Fontainebleau, Fréderic Valletoux, and Quimperlé, Michaël Quernez, MEP Anne Sander and CEMR secretary general, Frédéric Vallier. The assembled leaders called for a better coordination and clarity concerning the access to EU funds and the fight against exclusion and poverty, in view of the devastating impact of the crisis.
Nearly 58 billion euros - under cohesion policy and the recovery plan - are expected by French local governments to address the social crisis and revive the economy. This is why Philippe Laurent, the mayor of Sceaux and president of AFCCRE, called on the EU and national governments “to trust the territories and their elected representatives to make the crisis management and crisis management measures understandable and operational." -
CoR-OECD survey - 30.11.2020
Local and regional perspectives on COVID: local finances, coordination and recovery
The Committee of the Regions and OECD have joined forces to analyse of the impact of COVID-19 on local and regional governments. The two bodies received 300 responses from local and regional representatives in 24 EU countries, providing a unique territorial view on coordination against the pandemic, the state of local finances and prospects for recovery.
The study is a useful complement to CEMR’s own survey of national associations of local and regional governments on the question of local finances and COVID. Indeed, there are shared results: local finances are under extreme strain and there needs to be effective national support and coordination to overcome the crisis. -
RRF - 10.11.2020
EU Parliament green-lights Europe’s recovery plan
On 9 of November the European Parliament’s Budgets and Economic and Monetary Affairs committees both adopted the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the core of the European Union’s plan to tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Parliament voted for €672.5 billion in grants and loans to support EU countries for four years, which would only be available to governments respecting the rule of law and European values.
To take advantage of the funds, national governments must draft recovery and resilience plans consistent with a number of EU priorities, including green transition, digital transformation and territorial cohesion. Member States are invited to describe the role of their regional and local governments in developing the plans, but how deeply involved they will be remains to be seen. Parliament and national governments in Council must now negotiate an agreement on the scheme, even as Member States are bitterly divided over the rule of law provisions. -
Coming up... - 04.11.2020
CEMR and Committee of the Regions join forces for a local recovery
The European Union has agreed to raise an unprecedented €750 billion to finance the economic recovery in the wake of COVID-19. National governments will each submit Recovery and Resilience Plans detailing how they want to spend these EU funds, but questions remain: Will towns and regions be involved in preparing these plans? Will local needs be overlooked?
That’s why CEMR and the Committee of the Regions are joining forces to ensure that municipalities, regions and their associations can make their voice heard in the drafting of the national plans using the EU recovery funds. Several actions are being planned including a survey of local governments and their associations on their involvement in national recovery plans, a detailed study and several events. These feed into both national and European advocacy efforts. Stay tuned!
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