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Urban mobility - 29.09.2022
CEMR to take part in the European Commission Expert Group on Urban Mobility
Great news! the Council of European Municipalities and Regions is officially part of the European Commission Expert Group on Urban Mobility! CEMR will be represented by the Chair of its expert group on mobility, Caspar Sluiter from the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG).
This new group will be responsible for several tasks, including assisting the Commission in executing the new EU urban mobility framework, facilitating exchanges of good practices in the field of sustainable urban mobility, and encouraging information exchanges on initiatives, projects, and partnerships on sustainable urban mobility. -
Mobility - 02.05.2018
Good practice: how citizens are helping fix Brussels’ streets
With citizens’ input, it’s much easier for local governments to know what needs to be fixed in their streets. In Brussels, there’s an app for that: read all about it in this Cities Today article. -
Mobility - 24.10.2017
New tool for urban mobility research
Discover TRIMIS, a new and useful tool for urban mobility research. With TRIMIS, you have access to all EU and national transport research & innovation projects, including their results, which you can use in many ways. TRIMIS was launched by the European Commission.
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