Waste management and circular economy
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Green Capital - 11.01.2022
Grenoble was chosen to be the European Green Capital 2022
Grenoble was chosen by the European Commission to be the European Green Capital of the year 2022. Since 2010 and every year, this prestigious title rewards cities strongly committed to transitions and pioneers of an environmentally-friendly urban ecosystem.
The official launch of this European Green Capital year, which is organised by the City of Grenoble and the European Commission, in partnership with the Département de l'Isère and Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, and with the support of the French government, will take place on Saturday 15th January.
Access the event page here: https://greengrenoble2022.eu
PAYT - 12.08.2020
Pay-As-You-Throw Toolkit for European cities
For too long, polluters have not paid the full price for the damage they cause to our shared environment. The Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) principle seeks to address this by pricing in the cost of throwing things away. PAYT systems reward people and business who responsibly separate rubbish and penalises those who do not.
The PAYT Toolkit enables European cities to create systems that price in the cost of throwing away waste. It provides municipal administrations with a comprehensive process to institute PAYT: assessment of their current waste management situation, creation of appropriate IT systems, involvement of citizens and much more.
The Toolkit was created by the Italian municipality of Prato as part of EU Urban Agenda's partnership on circular economy. The urban Agenda directly connects European, national and city policymakers in order to improve regulation, knowledge and access to funding. CEMR represents European municipalities and its national associations within the Urban Agenda and actively contributes to most of the thematic partnerships.
Checkout the Urban Agenda website to discover some of the other actions being taken, from air quality to urban mobility. What’s more, you can also attend the next online meeting on 8 September of the platform for cooperation on the environment, dedicated to the circular economy as an enabler for a sustainable recovery. The outcome of the partnership's work will be presented at this event organised by the European Commission (DG Environment) and the Committee of the Regions. -
COVID-19 - 18.03.2020
Sharing best practices on municipal waste management and the coronavirus
The Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+) is collecting and sharing best practices from European cities on how to manage municipal waste while minimising the spread of the coronavirus.
You can discover the recommendations in each country on the ACR+ website. -
Circular economy - 30.11.2017
Good practice database for the circular economy
Are you looking for ideas to boost the circular economy in your town or region? Look no further: use the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, a database for good practices in the field of the circular economy. -
Circular economy - 14.03.2017
European Parliament approves new targets for municipal waste
By 2030, at least 70% of municipal waste should be recycled or prepared for re-use: this was approved in Parliament on 14 March.
Next step: the Council of the EU should take a position on the circular economy in the coming months. -
Circular economy - 22.11.2016
European Week for Waste Reduction: local governments' 6 proposals
This week is a very important week for our towns and regions’ environment: it is the European Week for Waste Reduction (#EWWR2016).
Back in June, CEMR, EUROCITIES and Municipal Waste Europe addressed the European Parliament so that they would take towns and regions’ needs into account for the future directive on waste and landfill. We put forth 6 proposals for better local waste management in Europe. Now, we are using this week as an opportunity to share our messages once more.
1. Broaden the definition of municipal waste to make the implementation of waste policies easier
2. Partnerships between waste producers and local governments need to make clear that all waste costs are covered (and not just “optimised costs”, like the current directives says)
3. To target other sectors than municipal waste in EU waste legislation, since 90% of waste in Europe is not municipal!
4. Increase funding availability for towns and cities
5. Create knowledge platforms to enable the exchange of best practices for a transition towards a circular economy
6. Set up waste prevention measures -
Circular economy - 09.02.2016
Consultation: the Committee of the Regions wants to hear the opinion of local government associations
The results of the consultation will contribute to the opinion paper that the Committee of the Regions (CoR) is currently drafting on the EU circular economy package.
The consultation will take place on Tuesday 23 February at the CoR building, in Brussels.
You have until Monday 22 February to register. -
Circular economy - 01.02.2016
Separate waste collection: Towns and regions to contribute to implement the circular economy
Cities are key to promote prevention, sustainable consumption and increase awareness on the citizens, on the need of a separated waste collection. This is short what the President of the Province of Avellino (Italy) and member of the Committee of the Regions, Domenico Gambacorta, said during a conference on the circular economy, on 29 January, in front of the Environment Commissioner, Karmenu Vella.
CEMR, who was present at the conference and who has been very active on this dossier, welcomes that the new circular economy package takes into consideration that the separate collection of bio-waste shall be ensured where technically, environmentally and economically is practicable and appropriate. -
Waste - 12.08.2015
EU Commission launches a public consultation on the circular economy strategy
The European Commission is working on a new and more ambitious circular economy strategy. Among other objectives, the strategy will focus on concrete measures such as achieving better eco-design, waste reuse and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
This public consultation aims at collecting contributions from several stakeholders, including local and regional governments. The deadline for participation is 28 August 2015.
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