Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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News in brief

  • Equality - 17.07.2015

    CEMR is looking for translators
    CEMR publishes a call for tender for the provision of translation services in the framework of its project on equality. The call is open from 13 to 24 July 2015 and is only available in English.

    The pilot project aims at developing indicators to measure the implementation of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life.
  • Environment - 15.07.2015

    Two environmental awards for European cities, apply now!
    The European Green Leaf is a competition open to cities with population of between 20,000 and 100,000. The prize recognises local government commitment to generate green growth and to stimulate citizens' environmental awareness and involvement.

    The European Green Capital award is open to cities across Europe with over 100,000 inhabitants. This prize rewards every year cities making remarkable efforts in favour of a more sustainable urbanization.

    Deadline for both competitions is Monday 19 October 2015.
  • ​Better Regulation - 14.07.2015

    CEMR declaration: “Better law-making needs local input!”
    The European Commission’s Better Regulation proposals are a key step forward for improving the effectiveness of its decision making. With its focus on improved impact assessments, consultations throughout the policy cycle and suggestions for how EU decision-making processes can be made more predictable, thorough and transparent, local authorities stand to gain substantially from this package. 

    In recognition of these major proposals, CEMR’s Policy Committee adopted a declaration during its meeting on 26 June in Munich. 

    Although CEMR’s politicians broadly view the Commission’s proposals with satisfaction, there is still work to be done by the EU’s decision-makers to ensure this key set of proposals can truly achieve their aims and respect the principle of “partnership” and multi-level governance. Local government will continue to assert its place in future EU law making. 
  • CEMR Congress - 13.07.2015

    Call for tender to organise our next congress in Nicosia
    We are looking for a professional conference organiser to handle all logistics aspects of the organisation of our Congress, to be held in Nicosia, from 20 to 22 April 2016. The event will gather around 1000 local and regional elected representatives and experts, as well as partners from European institutions.

    You have until 7 August 2015 to send your application. For further information, please consult the terms of reference.
  • Post 2015 - 10.07.2015

    Join UCLG in Turin to discuss local economic development
    Our global organisation (UCLG) invites you to participate in the 3rd World forum on local economic development to be held in Turin, from 13 to 16 October 2015. The forum will gather local government to discuss how local economic development can contribute to implement the post-2015 UN development programme, for instance, by stimulating employment or by improving the quality of life through better local economic governance.

    You have until 15 July 2015 to register.

    For further information send an email to UCLG and have a look at their website.  
  • ​Mayors adapt - 09.07.2015

    The application deadline for the twinning programme has been extended
    Municipalities, cities and regions interested in learning from their peers how to implement climate adaptation projects, will have until Monday 24 August 2015 to apply to the programme.

    For further information, have a look at Mayors Adapt website.
  • Greek referendum - 02.07.2015

    "Our country's place is in Europe," states our Greek association
    Ahead the referendum on 5 July to decide on the latest bailout terms offered by the Greek's creditors, KEDE publishes a resolution (available in English and Greek) calling to pursue negociations with the EU.

    Read CEMR press release "Greece: the future of the country also requires a new territorial deal." 
  • ​Climate - 02.07.2015

    "Countries cannot achieve their climate targets without regional efforts,” said Frédéric Vallier
    In the frame of the  the World Summit Climate & Territories in Lyon, Euractiv France talks to our secretary general about local government’s action to tackle climate change.

    The interview is available in English and in French.
  • ​Mayors adapt - 29.06.2015

    Learn from your peers how to implement climate adaptation projects
    Mayors adapt, the initiative on adaptation to climate change, is calling to cities to participate in a twinning program. This initiative aims to accelerate the implementation of adaptation projects through the exchange of good practices, for instance, by stimulating a municipality to travel to another one to understand how the latter tackled the climate hazards. 

    If you are interested, be quick to register as only 20 cities will be selected to participate from 2015 to 2016. 

    The deadline for application is 3 August 2015. Further information you can contact the Mayors adapt helpdesk.
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