Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Studies / brochures

Structures and Competences - 15.12.2011

Local and Regional Government in Europe

Migrant elders - 02.08.2011

ELAC - European Local Authorities Competition on Good Practices on the Support for Migrant Elders Initiatives

Decentralised Development Cooperation - 28.03.2011

Exemples of actions led by European local and regional governments

Factsheets - 04.02.2011

Key figures on local and regional Europe

Status of local elected representatives in Europe - 21.12.2010

An overview of the conditions under which the local representatives across Europe exercise their mandate

Climate change - 17.06.2010

Resolution on the financing of actions against climate change (adopted at CEMR's Policy Committee meeting, held from 3 to 4 June in Oslo)

Declaration of CEMR Policy Committee - 17.06.2010

The document was adopted at CEMR's Policy Committee meeting, held from 3 to 4 June in Oslo.

Equality - 01.06.2010

The future of gender equality in Europe

Future of EU Cohesion Policy - 26.04.2010

CEMR's political messages

Public procurement - 14.02.2010

Over-reliance on public procurement as a policy instrument
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