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Back to all studiesJoint CEMR-EPSU project - 05.02.2020
Localising the European Semester: Final ReportJoint CEMR-EPSU project - 05.02.2020
Localising the European Semester: Handbook for Social PartnersJoint CEMR-EPSU project - 28.02.2018
Localising the European SemesterSocial dialogue - 27.07.2009
Social dialogue in the local and regional government sector: an overviewInformation society and broadband - 28.05.2009
A two-page overview of CEMR's positionSocial dialogue - 17.10.2008
Reform of public services: What role for social dialogue?Social dialogue - 21.04.2006
Social dialogue in local and regional government in the new Member States and candidate countriesInformation society - 08.11.2005
The Cracow declaration - Local agenda i2010
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