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UN Global Goals - 25.06.2021
European territories localise the SDGs: Continuity and change In times of Covid-19
External cooperation - 05.02.2021
The work of EU delegations with local and regional governments for development
UN Global Goals - 14.07.2020
The 2030 Agenda through the eyes of local and regional governments’ associations
UN Global Goals - 25.09.2019
How local & regional government associations bring the SDGs to life
#LocalizingSDGs - 15.07.2019
Comment les associations de collectivités territoriales sont des moteurs du changement: Principales conclusions de notre étude
Search by theme
Governance, democracy and citizenship
International engagement and cooperation
ProjectLocal and regional public services
Environment, climate and energy
ProjectEconomic, social and territorial cohesion
ProjectCEMR statutory affairs, general CEMR affairs
Archived activities