Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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CoM SSA - 15.09.2020

Reflecting on the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa Journey: Lessons learnt from the capacity-building activities and stories of success

CoM SSA - 24.06.2020

Final Evaluation: added value and lessons learned

CoM SSA - 31.03.2020

A sharing of lessons by CoM SSA cities

CoM SSA - 19.11.2019

Climate Finance Landscape for Sub-Saharan African Cities

CoM SSA - 23.10.2019

Financing Climate and Energy Action in African Cities: Case studies from 10 cities across Sub-Saharan Africa

CoM SSA - 04.10.2019

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change in African cities - Methodological aspects - Adaptation to Climate Change

CoM SSA - 04.02.2019

CoM SSA - Factsheet

CoM SSA - 04.09.2018

Talanoa Dialogues in Africa - Advancing coordinated action between national, subnational and international actors

CoM SSA - 04.05.2018

Energy and Emissions Data Collection - A Guide for Developing Cities This project

CoM SSA - 04.02.2018

A Sustainable Future for African Cities
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