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Best practices
Diversity and integration
Several CEMR members maintain databases of local best practices. The following is a non-exhaustive list of such databases:
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- Greece: KEDE
- Luxembourg: SYVICOL
- South-East Europe: NALAS
- United Kingdom: England (LGA) | Scotland (COSLA) | Wales (WLGA)
Inclusive society - 16.03.2023
A One-Stop-Shop for newcomers in Mechelen fosters inclusion Twenty years ago, Mechelen was suffering from one of the highest criminality rates in Belgium. Polarisation and deprivation were skyrocketing. Many middle-class families had no choice but to leave. But little by little, as local authorities implemented inclusion policies, the situation started to evolve. Nowadays, the city is a vibrant symbol of inclusivity, with over 130 nationalities living in harmony. Innovative integration programmes are still being created, implemented and constantly improved. The “Welcome application” is one of them.
When the local authorities of Mechelen ...
When the local authorities of Mechelen ...
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