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Cohesion policy
Several CEMR members maintain databases of local best practices. The following is a non-exhaustive list of such databases:
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- Greece: KEDE
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Rural concierge service - 04.08.2022
A French rural and solidarity-based concierge service to encourage local development and integration Already popular in large cities, conciergeries provide residents with a range of everyday services, from childcare to shopping deliveries to clothes alterations. The concierge service concept is also taking root in rural areas, as shown by the example of the Ô Taquet concierge service in Saint-Sauvant, France.
The Ô Taquet rural concierge service offers a multitude of services to all individuals, whether they are working or retired, alone or with their family. The aim is simple: to make life easier for the inhabitants of the commune. Elderly people who can no longer perform certain ...
The Ô Taquet rural concierge service offers a multitude of services to all individuals, whether they are working or retired, alone or with their family. The aim is simple: to make life easier for the inhabitants of the commune. Elderly people who can no longer perform certain ...
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