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Energy efficiency
Several CEMR members maintain databases of local best practices. The following is a non-exhaustive list of such databases:
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Energy - 11.10.2022
Three game-changing recommendations to reduce energy consumption in cities How can municipalities achieve significant energy savings? The Union of Cities and Municipalities of Wallonia (Belgium) outlines a set of actions to tackle the energy crisis.
The recommendations, all available on the Union’s web section dedicated to energy, include measures for street lighting, public swimming pools and the use of computer equipment.
Energy measures for street and Christmas lighting
With an estimated cost of €79 million, the total consumption of municipal public lighting in Wallonia in 2021 amounted to 197 million kWh. The UVCW experts estimate that shutting off ...
The recommendations, all available on the Union’s web section dedicated to energy, include measures for street lighting, public swimming pools and the use of computer equipment.
Energy measures for street and Christmas lighting
With an estimated cost of €79 million, the total consumption of municipal public lighting in Wallonia in 2021 amounted to 197 million kWh. The UVCW experts estimate that shutting off ...
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