Directory of CEMR elected officials
French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions
CEMR Spokesperson - Environment; Senator, Nantes City Councillor
French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions
Deputy Mayor of Toulouse, Vice-President of Toulouse Métropole
Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia
Mayor of Kragujevac
Union of cities and municipalities of Wallonia
Mayor of Brain Le Comte, President of UVCW
Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities
CEMR Spokesperson - Democracy and Governance; Vice-mayor of Deinze
Union of cities and municipalities of Wallonia
Mayor of Limburg
Federation of Local Authorities in Israel
Mayor of Gani Tikva Municipality ; Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel
CEMR Italian Section (AICCRE)
Mayor of Municipality of Castel Bolognese
Local Government Association
Councillor of Lewes
Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities
Councillor of Antwerpen
Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
Mayor of Sudice - Vice-president of the Commission for the Environment
Association of Communes of Romania
Mayor of Vulcana-Băi, Dâmbovița County ; President of the Association of Communes of Romania (ACOR)
Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
Mayor of Velký Osek, Vice-President of the Union of Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic
Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities
Mayor of Genk
Association of Polish Cities
CEMR Executive President; Mayor of Gdansk
Association of Luxembourg Cities and Municipalities
Councillor of Steinsel
Union of Municipalities of Turkey
Mayor of Tokat