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Prize of the Regions - 28.07.2008

The Congress of the Council of Europe launches the 'Prize of the Regions"
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has launched a new annual prize, the Prize of the Regions. It is organised in partnership with the Dexia Bank.
The prize will be awarded annually to.regions committed to promoting good practices in the field of regional democracy. The theme for the first prize 'Promoting Social Cohesion through Economic Development" is understood as economic development that instigates, drives and thus achieves social cohesion.
Projects should concentrate on regional economic development programmes and clearly show, with concrete examples, how these programmes have supported and enhanced social cohesion.
The theme will change annually; it will remain within the framework of regional development. The prize criteria will largely remain unchanged.
The deadline for applications is 10 September 2008.
The award ceremony will be held at the Congress Autumn Session (Strasbourg, 1-3 December 2008).
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