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Elections in Spain - 29.05.2007

Spanish local and regional elections: status quo between centre left and centre right
The Spanish Popular Party (PP) and Socialist Party (PSOE) are neck-and-neck after the regional and municipal elections on 27 Mai 2007.
The municipal elections gave the Popular Party (centre right) 36% of the vote nationwide, and 35%.for the PSOE. However, in terms of seats, the Socialists have won 679 more town hall council seats than the Popular Party out of a total of 66,162 seats. The PP and PSOE obtained absolute majority in respectively 2879 and 2329 municipalities.
Regional elections were also held on the same day in 13 of the 17 regions of the country. The results remained almost the same as in previous regional elections.
The PP increased its share of the vote in the city and region of Madrid and held on to Valencia. Socialists won in Seville and Barcelona.
The turnout stood at 67%.
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