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Back to all in-depth newsPolicy Forum on Development - 26.09.2023
CEMR Secretary General to Address Global Meeting of the Policy Forum on Development 2023 Brussels - The upcoming "Global meeting of the Policy Forum on Development 2023" is set to kick off with a keynote address by the Secretary General of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Fabrizio Rossi. Starting on September 27, the three-day Conference will serve as a vital platform for discussing multistakeholder partnerships, equality, and the civic space within the context of the Global Gateway initiative.
The Secretary General of CEMR will address the Conference's inaugural session on September 27, drawing upon CEMR's extensive experience, which champions ...
The Secretary General of CEMR will address the Conference's inaugural session on September 27, drawing upon CEMR's extensive experience, which champions ...
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