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Romania is a unitary state composed of municipalities (comune), towns (orase), cities (municipii) and counties (judete).

The local council (consiliul local) is the local authority's deliberative assembly. It is composed of councillors elected by voting for candidates via a party list system for a four-year term. The number of councillors is determined by order of the prefect based on the demographic size of the local authority. The local council's work revolves around economic, social and environmental development, public and private property and the management of public services.
The mayor (primarul) represents the local authority's executive body and is elected by direct universal suffrage for a period of four years. He/she is responsible for the local budget and public services. The mayor also represents the local authority vis-à-vis other authorities, represents the national government within the municipality, town or city, and cooperates with the decentralised departments of national government ministries and specialised units present within its jurisdiction.
The mayor (primarul) represents the local authority's executive body and is elected by direct universal suffrage for a period of four years. He/she is responsible for the local budget and public services. The mayor also represents the local authority vis-à-vis other authorities, represents the national government within the municipality, town or city, and cooperates with the decentralised departments of national government ministries and specialised units present within its jurisdiction.
- Housing
- Local police
- Urban planning
- Waste management
- Public health
- Transport infrastructure and urban transport planning
- Water supply and sewage system
- District heating
- Pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational and technical education
- Local heritage administration
- Administration of parks and open green public areas

The county council (consiliul judetean) is composed of members elected by using a party list systemfor a four-year term. It monitors the implementation of provisions outlined in public administration legislation. The council is also responsible for the distribution of public funds, the county’s economic, social and environmental development and the management of county property and certain public services.
The president (presedinte) heads the county council and is elected by direct universal suffrage for a period of four years. He/she is in charge of the legal representation of the council vis-à-vis third parties. The president can delegate responsibilities to the two vice-presidents, who are appointed by the members of the county council.
There are 42 prefects in total: one for each county and one for the capital city of Bucharest.
There is no subordination between local councils and county councils.
The president (presedinte) heads the county council and is elected by direct universal suffrage for a period of four years. He/she is in charge of the legal representation of the council vis-à-vis third parties. The president can delegate responsibilities to the two vice-presidents, who are appointed by the members of the county council.
There are 42 prefects in total: one for each county and one for the capital city of Bucharest.
There is no subordination between local councils and county councils.
- Regional development
- Economic, environmental and social development
- Management of public services
- Urban planning and landscaping
- Water supply
- Sewerage
- Public transport
- Public health
- Transport infrastructure
- Social assistance
- Education
- Cooperation between local and national authorities
CEMR in Romania
Association of Communes of RomaniaExecutive President: Sergiu ŢÂRA
Asociatia Comunelor din România
Constantin Noica Street, 103, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania. Postal Code: 060055
Tel. / Fax: +40 21 311 99 69
E-mail: acor@acor.ro
Web: www.acor.ro
National Union of County Councils of Romania
Asociatia Comunelor din România
Constantin Noica Street, 103, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania. Postal Code: 060055
Tel. / Fax: +40 21 311 99 69
E-mail: acor@acor.ro
Web: www.acor.ro
Secretary General: Dan CRISTESCU
Uniunea Nationala a Consiliilor Judetene din România
B-dul Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 1, Focșani - 620098 (Județul Vrancea)
Tél :+ 40 237 213 057; + 40 237 231 680
Fax:+ 40 237 231 610 ; + 40 237 212 228
E-mail: office@uncjr.ro
Web: www.uncjr.ro
Romanian Municipalities Association
Uniunea Nationala a Consiliilor Judetene din România
B-dul Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 1, Focșani - 620098 (Județul Vrancea)
Tél :+ 40 237 213 057; + 40 237 231 680
Fax:+ 40 237 231 610 ; + 40 237 212 228
E-mail: office@uncjr.ro
Web: www.uncjr.ro
Director General: Constantin MITACHE
Asociatia Municipiilor din România
Matei Basarab Street, n°63
3rd Sector, Bucharest
030672, Romania
Tel.: +40 21 312 36 75
Fax: +40 31 102 35 72
E-mail : amr@amr.ro
Web : www.amr.ro
Asociatia Municipiilor din România
Matei Basarab Street, n°63
3rd Sector, Bucharest
030672, Romania
Tel.: +40 21 312 36 75
Fax: +40 31 102 35 72
E-mail : amr@amr.ro
Web : www.amr.ro