Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Air quality


Despite efforts carried out over the past few years, air quality in Europe is still insufficient and it has disastrous consequences on public health and ecosystems. These effects are particularly visible at the local level, where population density is greater.

The European Commission intends to confront this situation and re-examine its current air policy. Local and regional governments play an important role in the implementation of European policy, yet they often lack the means, tools, and room to act, making it difficult to respect European norms.  

In view of this, CEMR makes sur the voices of local and regional governments are heard at the European Commission, so that relevant legislation takes this fact into account and, where possible, takes action at the source of pollution itself.

Focus group on air

Our expert group helps revise European policy on air protection, given that local and regional authorities will play an important role in its implementation.
Our goals:
  • To promote the perspective of local and regional governments on the revision of air legislation ;
  • To be assured that the revision of European air policy prioritises measures aimed at the sources of air pollution ;
  • To offer suggestions for better cooperation between the various decisional levels involved in implementing European legislation related to air quality ;
  • To follow the community legislative process and to make specific proposals so future legislation can be more effective and supportive of local initiatives.

CEMR Coordinator: Axelle Griffon

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